June 2021 Update
By: Sara ClevelandIt really wasn’t that long ago that I did my May update, but I feel like there’s so much I’m up to that I want to share with everyone.
First, some updates about Courting the Dragon‘s release. You may have seen this on my socials already, but the paperback is now available for pre-order from Barnes & Noble! Ebook pre-orders are also now available from Apple iBooks. You can find links to all your favorite retailers here.
Additionally, I think I have settled on some of the details for release party. As stated before, it will be 100% digital. I’ve decided to stream the live event on YouTube. I already have the YouTube channel I’m not really using, and it just seems like a nice, happy medium. Most people use YouTube, I think. I’ll put up a post soon with all the appropriate links and all that jazz. I’m sorry I haven’t been more on top of this.
On to writing news!
If you follow me on Twitter and/or Instagram, you’re probably already aware that I have a new writing project. If you don’t follow on either of those platforms then you may be a little out of the loop. Recently, my muse decided to take my brain hostage and refuse to let me work on Finding the Dragon unless I also put some time into the new whacky idea she’d come up with. As a result, I am now currently working about evenly on two writing projects: finishing the Penelope’s Dragon trilogy and starting a new series of steamy fairytale retellings.
The first of these fairytale retellings is a take on Goldilocks and the Three Bears. The title is still pending. If you want to join the debate (and bad puns), check out this thread on Twitter. Hopefully once that’s settled we can have a cover reveal sometime later this summer. Here’s the blurb and some aesthetic for the book (you can find more of this and a snippet on my Instagram):
The second of these fairytale retellings (my muse is on a roll, ain’t she?) is an Adult Little Red Riding Hood and Hamlet mash-up. This one has a tentative title of Hunting at Midnight. Here’s the blurb and, again, some aesthetic (don’t expect too much more about this one until Book 1 is finished though, I’m telling the muse to cool it):
As for Finding the Dragon, progress is being made, I swear. A few snippets of it have/will find their way into the #JuneDelights event on Twitter hosted by Katherine Macdonald and L.V. Russell. Check out the hashtag there (and also Instagram, I think) to read some awesome snippets by some very talent authors.
Finally, personal news. With summer finally here Matt and I have been getting out into the yard and the garden. We started mulching on Memorial Day, and we’ve got some big projects planned for the next couple of weekends. Garden pictures coming soon!