Wait… what day is it? July 2021 Update.
By: Sara ClevelandI missed my Friday upload–oops–so I’m posting to the blog today. To be honest, I haven’t been feeling all that great this week. Allergies and the heat have been kicking my butt. As a result, I pretty much passed out after work on Friday and completely neglected to post anything to the blog, so I apologize for that. I am a delicate flower who thrives best on partly cloudy days between 60 and 70 degrees F. Tell me in the comments what your ideal weather is!
News, news, news. Hmm. Well, my first newsletter went out on Thursday. If you haven’t signed up for that, you can do so here. So far it seems like the newsletter is mostly going to be first-look/first-access for cover reveals, beta reading opportunities, etc plus monthly new release recommendations since I read a lot of ARCs.
As for writing… I’m a bit behind where I want to be with Bared Magic. I’m hovering just shy of 40K and need to get my rear in gear. Fortunately, this weekend is a long one; I plan to make good use of Monday and get some words in. I still think I can make my self-imposed deadline of having the first draft completed by the 15th of July.
The eagle-eyed among you may have noticed a soft release announcement for Bared Magic in my last few #JuneDelights posts featuring snippets from it. With an autumn release in mind, I plan to do a cover reveal in the August edition of the newsletter, so stay tuned for that.
Meanwhile, Finding the Dragon hasn’t been getting too much love lately but I should be getting back to that while Bared Magic is with the beta readers in August.
I think that’s pretty much it for this July Update.